Rachel Travels

Rachel thought a blog was the best way for other people to see what she was up to. It makes her feel special to write about herself in the third person.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Starting the TEFL course

The other students arrived a day after me. Altogether there are 9 of us: three guys, 6 girls. 1 Canadian, 1 Dutch, 3 English, 3 American and me. I'm the oldest at 30, the youngest is 22.

Before they arrived and thankfully distracted me from the musings of my own mind I was overwhelmed by fear. The sudden realization that I may hate this. I may suck at being an English teacher. You would have already noticed my own appalling spelling and gramma. I failed disminally at French and managed to live in Switzerland for two years without picking up German. Who am I to attempt to teach anyone else a language. I don't have a safety net. When I leave here I need to get work. So I was feeling the fear of the situation that I had not actually considered before. It still plays at the back of my head, but it is not a hindrance, it will be what drives me to write up a CV and get motivated to find work.

The classes have started, and they are hard work. But I'm getting it, and would say I'm about the same level as most of my class.

I'm supposed to be in class right now, but I have a belly upset that kept me up all night. I ventured out to go to school this afternoon but couldn't face the tram system knowing that I may need a toilet before my stop. So I have sought refuge in the air conditioned comfort of the internet cafe on the corner. I even managed to get on the only computer with a USB port. I think I am managing to figure out this whole up-loading photos thing finally.

actually having said that I have lost connection with my camera. So I'll have to upload an image of my toilet next time.

I keep my head covered in public. The short hair means I'm still very cool. Others in the class show their hair, as do a few Egyptian women (the minority) but having a shaved head gives me a slight look of an Israeli just out of military training. I also don't visibly show my pentagram here for the same reasons, it can be easy to mistake five points for six.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you have got over your stomach bug. Remeber the old remedy - cider vinegar!! How far do you have to travel to get from your accommodation to your class? Thinking of you - Love and hugs M

9:46 pm  
Blogger Rachel said...

Cider Vinegar... you must be my mother. I'll pick some up... if I can work it out from the pictures on the bottle.... rehydration salts are discusting but are effective. Each day a driver picks the 9 of us up in his van and takes us there (it's part of the deal). He brings us back too, it is about 10 mins by van or 40 mins to walk. there is also a tram, which convently has a womens-only carriage.

6:12 pm  

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