Rachel Travels

Rachel thought a blog was the best way for other people to see what she was up to. It makes her feel special to write about herself in the third person.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Promotion, Ponytail and Poo.

A new foreigner has arrived: Darius from Canada. So now we have 5 in our house. The maid has moved out to a room in the back of the house and her friend (who actually cleans and does laundry) has moved in with her. Having a guy in the house really changes the chi for the better. I don't recall ever living with just females before... it's different. The flat has become a hell of a lot more social, we have even arranged a secret Santa, and are going out for Christmas dinner. Today is the 25th of December, but Christmas is not for another 2 weeks. All us foreigners have got the day off. we even have new years day off too despite new years being in September.

Darius has taken my grade 5 classes (the shite kids) and I keep my grade 6 classes (the cool kids) and I have been promoted to "unit leader" which means I'm half in administration and half teaching. Yep, I'm moving u the ladder of Ethiopian primary education, at this rate I'll be headmistress by June. I have an office I share with 3 other unit leaders, my own desk, which I don't quite know what to do with at I don't have a computer. I get sent all the naughty kids to deal with which I quite enjoy. I'm trying to convince management to get me a computer so I can write curriculum's or training manuals or something.

It was over a year ago that Star shaved my head for me and I have finally acchieved ponytail day. Yes, ponytail day is the day that anyone growing out short hair marks the magnificent accomplishment of being able to get all their hair into a single ponytail without the use of wax or clips. It's a momentous day.

Another momentous day is always a good-poo day. I'm proud to report that after months and months of every possible combination of liquid solid and gas finding it's way out of my body in a variety of surprising force and in an unexpected spectrum of hues at unpredictable times... finally, finally my bowels are back to normal. Well as normal as can be expected here. I still consider myself to be the most resilient in the flat. My immune system has had a work out and I would say is at peak strength now.

I tried to post on facebook but no luck, It might be linked to blogger and therefore blocked, but I think that it is more likely just me. So I'm dependant to Gemma posting for me even that is dodgy. I get the feeling if I mention g o v e r n m e n t or s o m a l i a my emails won't go through, maybe just paranoia.

In other news I'm not going to go to P a l e s t i n e in the February semester break as I had hoped. I could afford it, but I wouldn't be able to afford anything else. So I'm going to stick with the overland travel and head for S o m a l i l a n d in the north of S o m a l i a. I know that S o m a l i a is not most peoples ideal holiday destination, check out S o m a l i l a n d on wikipedia and you'll see why I'm attracted to the place. And my last bit of really exciting news: I'm going to be aunt. My brother is going to have a baby next year which is awesome.

Right, I'm now going to attempt to send Gemma some photos to add to this and the last post. If there are no photos, it is most likely my fault, not hers. And then I'll head home to eat all the incredible Christmas chocolate that the wonderful Cat posted to me. Merry Christmas.


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