Rachel Travels

Rachel thought a blog was the best way for other people to see what she was up to. It makes her feel special to write about herself in the third person.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Bored, sick of waiting, sick of Christians.

I think I have been in Uganda about 3-4 weeks now, and I'm still doing a whole lot of nothing. I'm stuck in a backpackers hostel with minimal money playing card games without the five of diamonds, reading less and less interesting books from the hostel book swap and watching crap on satelite while the radio plays at the same volume.

Why? Money. Not that I don't have it, It's that I can't get to it. First my card had expired, it took a week for my mail to get here, turns out I didn't have a new card in amoungst my mail but I did have the letter asking why I hadn't activated the new card. From these letters I realised the card that had expired was actually not where my money was, so happily I skipped to the closest ATM to get some cash out from the other account. Wrong PIN. No it's bloody not. I know my bloody PIN. So I phoned the bank who asked me piles of questions and said they will send me a PIN by mail (to my old address in Edinburgh). That was 6 days ago. and I thought Africa was slow.

The backpackers is cool, I have been hanging out with Flic. She is in the same situation waiting for her camera to arrive from Australia... last recorded in London where they changed the tracking number... wasn't tecnology supposed to make these things more efficent? She's headed off to Rwanda to beat her Visa expiry date. If I got access to my money tomorrow I would join her, there is a volcano in Congo I would like to climb, but not alone.

Since moving out of the Arab world two groups of people have popped up in swarms... Israli tourists and Christian evangilists. It's the Christians that are bothering me at the moment. Their arrogant belief that they have the monopoly on truth grates me. The idea that only 23% of the world are right and everyone else is wrong... actually less than 23% because there are always the right and the wrong kind of Christians, what kind of horrible, exclusionary, narrow minded God is that that they follow. It must be so wonderful to know that your stories are right and that all other stories wrong... but they are going to be lonely in heaven without all of us sinners.


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